Worker Monitoring and Surveillance: Psycho-social risks and organizational justice

On Tuesday 25th January Kirstie Ball will deliver a talk to the National Association of Data Protection Officers in their lunchtime seminar series. The talk is entitled 'Worker Monitoring and Surveillance: Psycho-social risks and organizational justice' and is based on the findings of her recent report for the Joint Research Council of the European Union.
Kirstie will discuss how the surveillance of workers has increased because of the pandemic and but also because of a rise in workplace datafication. The psycho-social harms of surveillance in the workplace have been long established. Nonetheless, we still witness excessive workplace surveillance as organizations become seduced by the potential insights employee monitoring and people analytics may provide, and overlook the known harms. This talk argues that while data protection is the starting point for governing work monitoring, organizational and data justice conceptions may work in tandem with data protection principles to promote effective and fair monitoring practice.
The seminar starts at 12.30pm with Kirstie taking the floor at 1.15pm.
Please note: The talk is open to fully paid up NADPO members. If you are not a member and would like to attend, subscriptions can be purchased at £130 per person (non-VATable) for 2 years membership at using a debit or credit card linked to an established PayPal account OR via GoCardless direct debit from a UK current account by declaring online your sort code, account name and account number. Alternatively email to request an invoice for offline payment via BACS.